Did STARS have an airdrop? Can I still claim it?
STARS were airdropped to the community and consisted of different phases. The airdrop is no longer claimable, and all unclaimed tokens have been clawed back to the Community Pool.
Read the token distribution and airdrop details mirror post for more information.
How can I earn yield with STARS?
There are two ways to earn yield with STARS:
Delegate a single asset (STARS) to validators.
Bonding liquidity on Osmosis
Provide liquidity with two assets (STARS + OSMO, or STARS + ATOM), and bond LP tokens.
What are the APRs for staking and providing liquidity (LP’ing)?
Staking APR can be found at: https://www.stargaze.zone/stake
LP APRs can be found on their respective pools.
How does staking work?
Staking locks up STARS with a validator, earning rewards for the locked period. This is also called “delegating”.
You only need one asset (STARS) to stake.
Unstaking (also called undelegating) has a 14-day unbonding period where no rewards are earned.
Do your own research (DYOR) on which validator(s) to delegate to.
Where do I stake?
Stargaze website: https://stake.stargaze.zone/stake
Keplr website: https://wallet.keplr.app/#/stargaze/stake
Ping.pub website: https://ping.pub/stargaze
Leap Wallet Dashboard: https://cosmos.leapwallet.io
Keplr mobile apps: https://www.keplr.app
Cosmostation: https://wallet.cosmostation.io/stargaze
Leap Wallet: https://www.leapwallet.io/download
Risks: Slashing
💡 Validators you are staking with can go offline. When this happens they get “slashed”. A portion of your staked assets also get slashed when a validator get slashed. You can always re-delegate your tokens to another validator.
How do I transfer STARS to Osmosis?
Go to the Assets tab on Osmosis at https://app.osmosis.zone/assets.
Click Deposit next to Stargaze - STARS
How do Osmosis liquidity incentives work?
Osmosis has liquidity incentives in both OSMO and STARS
STARS incentives were provided by the Stargaze Community Pool, and end on April 13th, 2022.
To earn incentives, you have to:
Add liquidity to the STARS/OSMO pool, or the ATOM/STARS pool.
Bond your resulting LP tokens with a 1-day, 7-day, or 14-day unbonding period. This means there’s a 1, 7, or 14 day time period to fully unbond where you earn reduced rewards.
OSMO and STARS incentives are distributed once a day at 12:15pm ET. They will show up in your Assets tab.
Risks: Impermanent loss happens when one asset in the pool is more volatile than the other. Please watch this video for a full explanation: https://youtu.be/_m6Mowq3Ptk.
Last updated