9. Launching on mainnet

You have thoroughly tested your contracts on testnet. The images and metadata reside on IPFS. You only need to change some values in config.js before launching on mainnet.

  • Change the RPC endpoint to the mainnet endpoint rpcEndpoint: 'https://rpc.stargaze-apis.com/'.

  • Change startTime of the launch. i.e: 3pm EST on Friday, March 25, 2022, and format it to UTC: startTime: '2022-03-25T19:00:00.000Z'.

  • Change account to your mainnet account.

  • Comment out (add // before all the contract codes)CONTRACT CODE IDs: Castor Testnet

  • uncomment (remove // before the contract codes sg721CodeId, minterCodeId, whitelistCodeId) CONTRACT CODE IDs: Mainnet

Now you're ready to deploy.

At any time, before whitelist, during whitelist sale, or during public sale you are able to use mint_to(address) or mint_for(token_id, address) to do airdrops. If the special airdrop tokens are early token ids (i.e: 1, 2, 3, etc), then you want to deploy your contract early and give yourself enough time to run the airdrop and check the results.

Congratulations, you're officially a Stargaze Creator.

Last updated