Execute Messages
Collection Actions
A set of actions can be executed by the admin of the collection. Executable actions are as follows:
Mint a token from the collection to the caller's address.
Purge the minter address data stored inside the minter contract. This action is irreversible and requires the collection to be sold out.
Update Mint Price
Updates the public minting price of the collection. It can't be raised, only lowered.
Mint To
Mints a token for the inputted address.
Batch Mint
Mints multiple tokens for the inputted address.
Mint For
Mints the token with the given ID for the inputted address.
Batch Mint For
Takes an address and list of token IDs (separated by commas), then mints all of the tokens to the address.
The token IDs must be separated by commas:
e.g., 2, 4, 8.
Alternatively, you can give a range of IDs separated by a colon:
e.g., 8:13
Mint actions don't have time restrictions and thus can be executed before the start time.
Set Whitelist
Sets a new whitelist contract address for the collection
Update Minting Start Time
Updates the **** minting start time with the new date.
Update Trading Start Time
Updates the trading start time with the new date.
Update Tokens Per Address Limit
Sets a new limit for the mint per address.
Update Collection Info
Updates the information related to your collection such as collection description, cover image, external link, royalty address, and royalty share percentage.
Freeze Collection Info
Freezes the collection information. Once this is executed, Update Collection Info is no longer usable.
Withdraw Tokens
Withdraws all the tokens from the collection. They will no longer be mintable.
Transfer Tokens
Takes an address and a token ID, then transfers that token to the address.
Batch Transfer Tokens
Takes an address and multiple token IDs (separated by commas), then transfers all of the tokens to the address. The format for listing token IDs is the same as Batch Mint For operation.
Burn Token
Burns the token with the given ID.
Batch Burn Tokens
Takes multiple token IDs and burns them at once. The format for listing token IDs is the same as Batch Mint For operation.
Burn actions are irreversible. The burned tokens will never be accessible again.
Shuffle the token IDs
Shuffles all of the token IDs inside the collection. Collections are created in the same order as they are sent by the user, by default. Executing this message will shuffle all the IDs to make the orders random.
The shuffling price is 500 $STARS.
Airdrop Tokens
Takes a CSV file that contains Stargaze addresses and airdrops the specified number of tokens for each address.
The expected file is a simple .csv file where each line consists of one Stargaze address then a comma followed by the number of tokens to airdrop. The file should look like the following:
Burn Remaining Tokens
Burns all the tokens remaining from the collection.
Last updated