2. Configure your project

Your entire project is configured with a single configuration file, config.js. Copy the existing config.example.js file to config.js, and edit it for your project.

cp config.example.js config.js

A sample config.js:

  module.exports = {
  //// ACCOUNT INFO ////
  // The account seed phrase to use for deployment
    'enlist hip relief stomach skate base shallow young switch frequent cry park',
  // Your STARS address
  account: 'stars1...',

  // The name of your collection
  name: 'Collection Name',
  // The 3-7 letter ticker symbol for your collection
  symbol: 'SYM',
  // Project description
  description: 'An awesome NFT series',
  // Path to image to use as the main image for the collection
  image: 'images/1.png',

Minimum Mint Price: 50 stars

Collection Creation Fee: 1000 stars

Max Number of Tokens: `10000`

All times are set to UTC. Ex: 3pm EST 3/25/2022 => "2022-03-25T19:00:00.000Z"

Last updated