1. Setup a basic project
Initialize a new project
Setting up your project for minting is done via a set of command-line tools. Start by cloning a sample repository, and replace it with your project contents.
Replace [my-project-name]
with the name of your project.
Create a testnet account
In order to deploy a smart contract on Stargaze, you'll need an account with some STARS in it. For this tutorial, we will be instantiating our smart contract on a Stargaze testnet.
You should see mnemonic and address printed out like:
Now edit config.js
and fill in the above mnemonic and address in their corresponding fields.
Do not use a mainnet mnemonic / seed phrase for testing. Please use the above method to generate a test account. For mainnet, see Launching on mainnet with Keplr.
Fund account from testnet faucet
Get testnet tokens from the Stargaze Discord channel #🚰faucet
. Type your address from the above step to receive some coins.
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