1. Setup a basic project

Initialize a new project

Setting up your project for minting is done via a set of command-line tools. Start by cloning a sample repository, and replace it with your project contents.

Replace [my-project-name] with the name of your project.

git clone https://github.com/public-awesome/stargaze-tools [my-project-name]
cd [my-project-name]
yarn install

Create a testnet account

In order to deploy a smart contract on Stargaze, you'll need an account with some STARS in it. For this tutorial, we will be instantiating our smart contract on a Stargaze testnet.

yarn account

You should see mnemonic and address printed out like:

>> mnemonic: sure adapt throw vocal sibling mom already light dinner sail survey sphere
pubkey: {
  type: 'tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1',
  value: 'AwqXZKoqAJl+9R3qWgseVYomxFN2akDGQ2rzS6P/Oyfo'
address: stars1us0r08kr3jtr0h74skk46hl6cmtsrptlqyfstl
✨  Done in 1.03s.

Now edit config.js and fill in the above mnemonic and address in their corresponding fields.

Fund account from testnet faucet

Get testnet tokens from the Stargaze Discord channel #🚰faucet. Type your address from the above step to receive some coins.


$request [stars1...]

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